This is an entry point interaction with the public entailing education, sensitization, and outreach targeting five (5) categories of actors and utilizing customized methods of engagement approaches. Overall, PIS will include among other things, convening high level fora (HLF) piggyback events, moderated debates, discussions, and pledges on ATLI from representatives of functioning political parties. Target categories are:
- Political Class – African Union Commission (AUC), African Ruling Governments, Opposition Parties, Parliaments, and the Judiciaries. Engagement activities will be undertaken in collaboration with the AU. ATLI will be certified to participate and organize High-Level-Fora (HLF) side events at the annual sessions of the AU and country-specific invited presentations (CIP). Such side events will also be held at annual sessions of selected Traditional Authorities.
- State Parties policy decision implementers as context opinion champions and influencer groups. Engagements will be undertaken in collaboration with the AfCFTA Secretariat. Approach will take the form of regular and periodic State Parties Briefings. Invitations to join sessions will also be sent to the National and Regional House of Chiefs, Councils of State, Academia, Think and Do Tanks, , the Clergy and Media
- Corporate Councils Global Market Dialogues: Engagements will be executed in collaboration with the Corporate Council on Africa targeting the private sector landscape – Business Councils and Chambers of Commerce.
- Grassroots and Communities Exchanges: This will be knowledge sharing and learning events undertaken in collaboration with UNDP, appropriate International Development Organizations, and Country Citizens Groups.
- Media (Information Sharing Events: (Conventional and Social): Activities in this context will entail the following and be undertaken in collaboration with respective associations:
- Developing guidelines for media engagement on:
- Script writing, videography, production, and editorial undertakings
- Creating visibility on the ATLI initiative among strategic target groups, opinion leaders, influencers, champions, and the general populace through tailored advocacy campaigns
- Organizing ATLI-themed events including goodwill meetings, knowledge exchanges, outreach, planned interviews, bridge-building meetings, information-sharing sessions, expert panel discussions as needed and appropriate.
- Arranging periodic press releases, article placements, editorial commentaries, and updates for senior editors and journalists at key national and continental publications and private media houses.
- Developing engaging and news-making virtual conferences and events to project ATLI activities among change agents, enterprise associations, businesses, investors, civil service, and the African community at large in the diaspora.
- Developing guidelines for media engagement on: