Engagement Strategy

The African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI) will constitute a mega-platform for generating alternate knowledge and sharing insights on key kitchen table issues which impact heavily on peaceful coexistence. It will distill and filter across the globe technical possibilities available for fostering altruistic interventions with a pragmatic lens utilizing the tools of: advocacy, policy advice, and evidence-based strategy formulations. By this measure, a sense of care will be embodied in the process of delivering of services in the areas essential for peaceful coexistence (inclusivity and sustainability)— health care, education, agriculture, labor mobility, technology for harnessing and processing, housing with amenities, governance, quality and accompanying infrastructure for basic living.

Reasons For African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI)
1. Bolster Institutional Capacity for Transformative Development

Africa urgently needs robust institutions to enhance political participation, enable transparency in policy decision-making, and ensure accountability for public expenditure, resource use, misuse or, abuse of power and authority. Institutions are efficient and effective if they are reflective of the needs and realities on the ground. Time and patience are required for building strong institutions, particularly to engender constituent elements of a freer press, independent judiciary, loyal and efficient public servants, and reliable taxation and revenue generation systems. There are no formal supranational traditional leadership structures. This scenario creates a void in harnessing coherently the authority, knowledge, principles, and values of traditional leadership in addressing matters germane to fulfilling needs and manifesting the blessings of success for everyone based on regional and continental unity and integration.

2. Tap the Mobilization Prowess of Traditional Authorities to Boost Grassroots Enthusiasm for Supranational Endeavors.

African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI) operational vision of boosting grassroots enthusiasm towards supranational efforts of providing and delivering services under the guiding principle of serving first the needs of others rather than self, family, and friends is certainly an expression embodying the values of care which requires harnessing. This mode of operations implies a radical change in the image and modalities of how priorities are set and how service providers are organized and oriented to serve. Performance of the respective providers is raised as service delivery outcomes are improved and satisfaction of beneficiaries is increased without any disruptions to the social order.

2. Tap the Mobilization Prowess of Traditional Authorities to Boost Grassroots Enthusiasm for Supranational Endeavors.

African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI) operational vision of boosting grassroots enthusiasm towards supranational efforts of providing and delivering services under the guiding principle of serving first the needs of others rather than self, family, and friends is certainly an expression embodying the values of care which requires harnessing. This mode of operations implies a radical change in the image and modalities of how priorities are set and how service providers are organized and oriented to serve. Performance of the respective providers is raised as service delivery outcomes are improved and satisfaction of beneficiaries is increased without any disruptions to the social order.

3. Utilize Altruistic Competency Capital Values for Collective Engagements

African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI)’s endeavor to incorporate altruistic love, hope, and faith in serving others first and manifesting the blessings of success for all in society is very relevant and worth harnessing for supranational undertakings. The spirit of fostering altruistic development has always been a hallmark of communities under visionary traditional leaders across the continent. A large and increasing number of chiefs in Africa are highly qualified professionals and business people with vast experiences in key and strategic sectors in their private lives, which they bring (or could bring) into the local development space

Benefits of ATLI

  • Widespread grassroots understanding
    Widespread grassroots understanding, popular involvement, and support for the interventions at the continental levels geared at uplifting the vast majority out of poverty through consistent advocacy for implementation of green, resilient, and inclusive growth and sustainable development (i.e., localization of continental ATLI-induced green and technology-enabled interventions for combatting the effects of climate change). It is expected that participation of African traditional leadership in implementing the supranational frameworks will facilitate inclusion of people at the grassroots. Through the processes, activities, value chain development, and dividends of such initiatives, the socioeconomic situations of the vast majority will be improved
  • Better appreciation of the whole contributions
    Better appreciation of the whole contributions to the entire continental development landscape among stakeholders, political elites, and vested interests to engender constructive dialogues on course-improvement reform pathways carved from positive ATLI ripple effects.
  • Continent-wide motivated peer-to-peer experiential learning
    Continent-wide motivated peer-to-peer experiential learning on forging development with the purpose of inducing a more conducive and enabling environment for doing business, and facilitating trade and investments into rural and local communities across the continent. The spirit of fostering development has always been a major characteristic of communities that are under the rulership of visionary traditional leaders. Sharing these accumulated experiences among peers on regular basis would be catalytic in pushing the frontiers of the continental blueprint
  • Center of excellence
    Center of excellence as the one and last stop for scholarly research and works on transformative development capabilities of traditional leadership, solutions and remedies for inclusivity, sustainability and overall governance malaise hindering continental aspirations.
  • Available strategic frameworks
    Available strategic frameworks for involving traditional leaders in continental enterprises highlighting their demonstrated superior capability to communicate, mobilize, and organize most of the African people at the grassroots for collective endeavors.
  • Analytical reports
    Analytical reports on ATLI engendering continental platforms of a hub with nodes and spokes that are new entities or embedded in targeted, existing, and relevant partner institutions.
  • Operationalizing a mandate
    Operationalizing a mandate for reforms to adapt and strengthen the institution of traditional leadership for modern development administration and governance.
  • Creating awareness among Africans
    Creating awareness among African political elites, stakeholders of prevailing national and local development administration and governance arrangements, and within the general public on the role of African traditional leadership in regional and continental integration and development.
  • Establishing working relationships
    Establishing working relationships backed by Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between the ATLI and potential partners and stakeholders, for example, academia, national governments, media, and international organizations relevant to the planning and operational engagements of TranServe leadership arrangements.
  • Knowledge generation and exchanges
    Knowledge generation and exchanges to enhance the contributions of traditional leadership to overall development of the continent. Relevant activities may include (i) a scan of global practices to determine what has worked elsewhere; (ii) impact that traditional leaders may have had on development efforts in which they participated; (iii) level of composition in local governance arrangements that is likely to lead to superior performance
