The African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI) is led by Togbe Afede XIV, who developed the concept during his tenure as President of the Ghana National House of Chiefs (2016-2020). Collaborating with the Blended Knowledge Solutions Network, the African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI) is based on research and intellectual rigor. A recent publication by the network, "Leadership in Independent Africa, Six Decades On," highlights how traditional African leadership can complement Western state-building models.
African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI), incorporated in Ghana, is governed by a Board of Directors chaired by Togbe Afede XIV. The Blended Knowledge Solutions Network manages daily operations, with Dr. Kofi V. Anani as CEO and Dr. John C. Afele as operations director. Its secretariat is located at the World Trade Center in Accra.
The African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI) is an executive initiative aimed at complementing the African Union (AU) in efforts to building the “Africa We Want” – a continental blueprint and strategic framework for ensuring inclusive growth and sustainable development by 2063 through the pathways of peace, unity, and integration
The African Traditional Leadership Institute (ATLI) is dedicated to harnessing the power of traditional African leadership to promote peace, unity, and development across local communities. By leveraging the deep-rooted trust and social capital of traditional leaders, African Traditional Institute (ATLI) aims to complement continental efforts like the African Union's initiatives, particularly in areas such as climate change, agriculture, and resource management.
ATLI serves as a platform for fostering inclusive growth and sustainable development, uniting traditional leadership with modern governance practices. The initiative aspires to inspire reforms and create a center of excellence, promoting intellectual and practical advancements in leadership, governance, and community development across Africa.
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