The envisioned change underlying ATLI will not occur by happenstance. Expected changes for transformative development must be proactively induced. Reasons for reorientation and peer experiential learning are myriad and suffice to highlight three main ones:
- Nation-wide change of mindsets, beliefs, attitudes, and convictions of public and private officials regarding public resources and protection of the public purse are required. Imitations, assimilations and one hundred percent replication of external knowledge systems and creations have not produced the desired results after several centuries, and needs to be recognized and acknowledged as a reality of the African landscape.
- Urgently necessary to uplift the institution of chieftaincy and elevate it from the margins to the forefront of transformation efforts on the continent. It is a reality of African life that the leadership institution of chieftaincy has been battered by dint of historical experiences. Regardless, the institution has survived the test of time and remains the cultural and heritage backbone to be incorporated into the thinking of boosting continental capacity.
- The Youth requires advice and guidance of the old to enable Africa to participate in the global community as a powerhouse. The entire fabric of African society has severely been damaged. The youth is leading the charge to let the world realize that enough of the dehumanization of the African is enough, and the situation cannot continue forever. Although the youth is aware, imitation, assimilation, or replication is not the path to thread, they do not have much to fall upon in terms of active participation in the global village. Meritocracy, pragmatism, and honesty as principles and values of building strong institutions for good have long been thrown into the dustbin in Africa. The values of caring for the commons, generational responsibility, and being each other’s interest keeper have been dissipated in the process of institutionalizing democracy practice on the continent.
ATLI interventions of reorientation and peer experiential learning modules to provide requisite guidance on the pathway to manifest the blessings of success for all on the continent is essential.